The land of the blue sky

Day 1 Arrival at Ulaanbaatar and visit of the city
  • Arrival at the airport, you will meet Amar Mongolia crew and transfer to your hotel to rest.
  • Appointment at 12 o'clock at your hotel with your guide.
  • After freshening up from your flight, we start our first day around Ulaanbaatar starting from the National History Museum which tells the rich history of Mongolia.
  • Walk in the centre of Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar Square, is just a short walk away. Here we will see the Parliament House, National Opera and City Hall.
  • At 18 o' clock, Mongolian traditional show at Tumen Ekh: folkloric dances, contortion, and of course khoomi, the overtone singing.
4h30m - 280km
Khogno Khan
Day 2 We’re off, towards Mini-Gobi !
  • Visit of Gandan Monastery. In the morning, lamas get together to pray.
  • We arrive at the splendid rocky formations of Khogno Khan. Discovery of the park : semidesert steppes, taiga, stunning rocky formations, 80-kilometre (49,71 miles) long sand dunes, are characteristic of this arid area nicknamed "Mini-Gobi".
  • Horse trek until Erdene Khambiin Monastery. "Monk Erdene's Monastery" dates from 17th century and was built in the mountain. Zanabazar built it in honour of his teacher, monk Erdene.
  • Visit of the sand dunes of Elsen Tasarkhai.
Meal and accommodations
Khogno Khan
2h30m - 110km
3h30 - 130km
Orkhon valley
Day 3-4 Among nomads in Orkhon Valley
  • Journey to Kharkhorin, the former capital of Mongolia. The legendary city of Genghis Khan was founded in 1220 and was one of the stages of the silk road. The Mongolian Empire was governed from this city, until Kubilai Khan set up the capital in Beijing. Today, there are only a few vestiges left of the former capital.
  • Visit of Erdene Zuu Monastery, built in 1586 by a nomad prince. The Chinese and Tibetan-inspired buildings are surrounded with 108 sacred stupas. Visit of the Museum of Kharkhorin.
  • Journey to Orkhon Valley. Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, the valley is a land of nomadism and many breeders set their summer camp there.
  • Those who wish will go pony trekking along Orkhon Valley, from the camp until Orkhon waterfalls.
  • Visit of Ulaan Tsutgalaan falls, white flood flowing on the black stone, transformed in rainbow by a short sunray... These 16-metres (52,49 feet) falls are just magic ! They were formed 20.000 years ago, as a result of a unique combination of earthquakes and volcano eruptions.
  • Stay among breeders in the valley. During your stay, you will discover their way of life and you will be proposed many activities, such as milking, making traditional dairy products, or rounding up the animals with a horse.
  • You will also attend the preparation of a Mongolian barbecue that you will enjoy with yours hosts.
Meal and accommodations
Orkhon valley
Tovkhon monastery
Tsenkher hot springs
Day 5 Hot bath in the hot springs
  • Visit of Tovkhon Monastery. Vehicles can't go until the top of Öndör Ulaan Hill and we will walk until there to discover Tovkhon Ermitage, where Zanabazar, the first religious leader of Mongolia, created the Soyombo alphabet. The monastery is located 2312 metres (1,44 mile) above the sea level and from that place we'll have a wonderful view on the whole Khangai range. We'll picnic in exceptional surroundings, facing Orkhon Valley.
  • Arrival at Tsenkher hot springs, where you can lounge in the hot springs of the camp.
Meal and accommodations
Tsenkher hot springs
1h - 40km
4h - 175km
Terkhiin Tsagaan national park
Day 6-7 On the banks of great white lake
  • Stop at Tsetserleg, small lovely village nested in mountains of larches. We'll buy fresh supplies at the local market and visit Zayan Gegeen Museum.
  • Road to Khorgo – Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur Natural Park that is located 2060 metres (1,28 mile) above the sea level. This lake, called "the great white lake", and its whole volcanic surroundings, are the emblematic area of the province of Arkhangai. The waters of the lake are full of fish and it's possible to fish if you wish.
  • Hiking along the banks of the lake. We go towards Southeast where Khorgo Volcano reaches its highest point at 2240 metres (1,39 mile). (Easy) ascent of the volcano. From the top, we enjoy a splendid view on the lake and the surrounding hills. Nearby the volcano, stunning lava flows form an original landscape never seen up to now.
Meal and accommodations
Terkhiin Tsagaan national
6h - 190km
Ider river
Day 8 Deeper in wild Mongolia
  • We take the road towards West and the province of Zavkhan. We drive along the Solongotiin Hills. Lunch in a local restaurant in Tosontsengel. We set up our camp in a small corner of paradise between sky and land, on the banks of the Ider River.
Meal and accommodations
Ider river
6h30m - 260km
Khar lake
Day 9-11 The lake among the dunes
  • We drive across the province of Zavkhan. We can admire at East the high summits of Khangai and a forest zone, and at West the desert. Although this tour is very far from the classic touristic tours, it shows many natural wonders, such as Otgontenger Mount, landscapes of dunes and turquoise lakes.
  • We arrive in a semi desertic zone until Lake Khar, splendid lake in the middle of the dunes.
  • This day is dedicated to a hike all around Lake Khar. We discover breathtakingly landscapes typical of Gobi, surrounding a turquoise lake.
  • Short hiking (a few kilometres) in the Erdene Khairkhan mountains, until the site of Senjit Khad, a rocky formation that reminds the ones of the American Far West.
  • Visit of Mukhartiin River's source. An exceptional site where the river literally rises from the sand dunes.
Meal and accommodations
Khar lake
4h30m - 150km
Day 12 On the bank of the Bogd river
  • We drive along the Khangai mounts that overlook the track at East, then pass through the Zagastai hills, and finally arrive at Uliastai, capital of the province of Zavkhan ; we go to the local market to buy fresh supplies.
  • We will drive again for 10 kilometers before reaching the bank of the Bogd river where we will pitch our camp.
Meal and accommodations
Bogd river
Otgonteger mountain
Day 13 Discovery of Otgontenger National Park
  • Visit of Otgontenger National Park : waterfalls and Lake Badagakhundaga.
  • Hiking until Lake Badarkhundaga located at the norther foot of Otgontenger mount.
Meal and accommodations
Otgonteger mountain
5h - 190km
Day 14 Uliastai, in the heart of Zavkhan
  • Hiking until the artificial waterfalls on the Bodg River, or free time to peacefully enjoy the bucolic nature.
  • Return road to Uliastai where we'll settle in and rest in a small provincial hotel.
Meal and accommodations
2h - 1200km
Day 15 Flight to Ulaanbaatar, the Mongolian capital
  • Transfer to Uliastai airport and return flight to Ulaanbaatar.
  • Arrival in town and transfer to your hotel where you can rest a few moments.
  • Rest of the day free. With our guide, you can go and shop in the centre of the city.
Meal and accommodations
Flight back
Day 16 Have a nice journey and see you soon !
  • Breakfast at the hotel. We go with you to the international airport of Ulan Bator. The transfer can be organized at the time you want, according to the schedule of your flight.
Meal and accommodations

Duration 16 days international flight not included

Starting from 1290 € per person

Let's travel together and create unforgettable memories