Nomadising in Khan Khentii

Ulan Bator
2h - 80km
Terelj Village
Day 1 We're off for the luxuriant nature of the Terelj!
  • Journey to Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, a real gorgeous green setting at the gates of the capital: rocky formations sculpted by erosion, mountains tree-filled with pines, plains scattered with wild flowers and edelweiss, rivers and lakes.
  • Stop at turtle rock, from where we walk until Aryaval Monastery.
  • Settling in a very pleasant yurts camp where you can rest.
Meal and accommodations
Terelj Village
6h - 25km
Terelj national park
Day 2 We're off for 5 days of a nomadic life !
  • We start our hike along the Terelj River in a valley where many breeders live and where yaks graze in total freedom. We pass the first pass of Sandrakh before reaching Mounts Sambartai Khoshuu. Once arrived on the place of our camp, we unload the yaks and put up our yurts with the breeders. We'll spend the night in the yurt like real nomads.
  • With local breeders and their yaks pulling carts and yurts, we hike during 5 days like nomads in the green valleys of the Gorkhi Terelj National Park.
Meal and accommodations
Terelj national park
6h - 26km
Gunj monastery
Day 3 Ruins of a monastery lost in the middle of the forest
  • We go on in our nomadisation in a remote part of the park where nature will be your one and only companion. About noon, we reach the small Gunj Monastery. Partly destroyed during the Soviet purges, the vestiges of the Monastery of the Princess Gunj are nestled in the heart of the forest of larches. In the afternoon, we reach the Baruunbayan River where we set up our yurts camp.
  • With local breeders and their yaks pulling carts and yurts, we hike during 5 days like nomads in the green valleys of the Gorkhi Terelj National Park.
Meal and accommodations
Gunj monastery
10h - 46km
Terelj national park
Day 4-5 In the steppes of the park
  • We go on hiking in an area of plains and valleys. The chalky rocky formations, stunning with their strange shapes, line the way. We reach the Zuunbayan River where we spend the first night. Then we reach the Tuul River, where we spend the second night in nomads camp.
  • With local breeders and their yaks pulling carts and yurts, we hike during 5 days like nomads in the green valleys of the Gorkhi Terelj National Park.
Meal and accommodations
Terelj national park
1h30m - 80km
Ulan Bator
Day 6 Back to Ulaanbaatar
  • Last day hiking before joining our local guides and their families. We walk along the Tuul River in an area where nomads camps are more and more numerous. In the early afternoon, we join our hosts and spend a few moments with them.
  • Back to Ulan-Bator. Last herds of wild horses crossing the road outside our dumbfounded eyes, last yurts smoking far away, the steppe will be with us until the last moment.
  • Arrival in town and settling in at your hotel, where you can rest a few moments.
  • Rest of the day free. With our guide, you can go and shop in the centre of the city.
  • At 18 o' clock, Mongolian traditional show at Tumen Ekh: folkloric dances, contortion, and of course khoomi, the overtone singing.
Meal and accommodations
Flight back
Day 7 Flight back! Have a nice journey and see you soon !
  • Breakfast at the hotel. We go with you to the international airport of Ulan Bator. The transfer can be organized at the time you want, according to the schedule of your flight.
Meal and accommodations

Duration 7 days international flight not included

Starting from 350 € per person

Let's travel together and create unforgettable memories